Tinnitus Archive

Tinnitus Archive > Bibliography


Background Publications

  1. Brown SC. (1990).
    Older Americans and Tinnitus: A Demographic Study and Chartbook. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet Research Institute.

  2. Fowler EP. (1940).
    Head noises in normal and disordered ears: Significance, measurement, differentiation and treatment. Arch Otolaryngol, 39, 498-503.

  3. Goodhill V. (1952).
    A tinnitus identification test. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 61, 778-788.

  4. Goodwin PE & Johnson RM. (1980).
    The loudness of tinnitus. Acta Otolaryngol, 90(5-6), 353-359.

  5. Graham JT & Newby H. (1962).
    Acoustical characteristics of tinnitus: An analysis. Arch Otolaryngol, Suppl 75, 162-168.

  6. Graham JT. (1965).
    Tinnitus aurium. Acta Otolaryngol, Suppl 202, 1-32.

  7. Hazell JWP. (1976).
    Tinnitus Review. Royal National Institute for the Deaf.

  8. Hazell JWP. (1979a).
    Tinnitus research at the RNID 1974-1979. British Tinnitus Assoc Newsletter, 3, 6-8.

  9. Hazell JWP. (1979b).
    Tinnitus. In J Ballantyne & J Groves (Eds.), Scott-Brown's Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 81-91). Sevenoaks: Butterworths.

  10. Hazell JWP. (1981a).
    Measurement of tinnitus in humans. Ciba Found Symp, 85, 35-53.

  11. Hazell JWP. (1981b).
    Patterns of tinnitus: Medical audiologic findings. J Laryngol Otol, Suppl 4, 39-47.

  12. Nodar RH. (1978).
    Tinnitus aurium: an approach to classification. Otolaryngology, 86, ORL-40-46.

  13. Reed GF. (1960).
    An audiometric study of two hundred cases of subjective tinnitus. Arch Otolaryngol, 71, 167-180.

  14. Vernon JA & Schleuning A. (1978).
    Tinnitus: A new management. Laryngoscope, 88, 123-124.

  15. Vernon JA, Schleuning A, Odell L & Hughes F. (1977).
    A tinnitus clinic. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 56, 181-189.

  16. Vernon JA. (1975).
    Tinnitus. Hearing Aid Journal, 29, 13.

  17. Vernon JA. (1976).
    The loudness (?) of tinnitus. Hearing and Speech Action, 44, 17-19.

  18. Vernon JA. (1977).
    Attempts to relieve tinnitus. J Amer Audiol Soc, 2, 124-131.

  19. Vernon JA. (1978).
    Observations from UOHSC tinnitus clinic. Amer Tinnitus Assoc Newsletter, 3, 1-4.

  20. Vernon JA. (1981).
    The history of masking as applied to tinnitus. J Laryngol Otol, Suppl 4, 76-79.

  21. Vernon JA. (1988).
    Current use of masking for the relief of tinnitus. In M Kitahara (Ed.), Tinnitus. Pathophysiology and management (pp. 96-106). Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin.

Tinnitus Data Registry Publications

  1. Axelsson A, Coles RRA, Erlandsson SE, Meikle M & Vernon J. (1993).
    Evaluation of tinnitus treatment: Methodological aspects. J Audiol Med, 2, 141-150.

  2. Henry JA & Meikle MB. (1995a).
    Loudness recruitment only partially explains the small size of tinnitus loudness matches. In G Reich (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 148-157). Portland, OR: Amer Tinnitus Assoc.

  3. Henry JA & Meikle MB. (1995b).
    Effects of loudness recruitment on measurements of tinnitus loudness matches. Abstr. Assoc. Research Otolaryngol, 167.

  4. Johnson RM, Griest SE, Press L, Storter K & Lentz B. (1989).
    A tinnitus masking program: Efficacy & Safety. The Hearing Journal, 42(11), 18-25.

  5. Meikle MB & Griest SE. (1987).
    The perceived localization of tinnitus. In H Feldmann (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Tinnitus Seminar (Vol. Proc, pp. 183-189). Karlsruhe, W. Germany: Harsch Verlag.

  6. Meikle MB & Griest SE. (1989).
    Gender-based differences in characteristics of tinnitus. The Hearing Journal, 42(11), 68-76.

  7. Meikle MB & Griest SE. (1991a).
    Characterization of clinically significant tinnitus. Abstr. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol, 2.

  8. Meikle MB & Griest SE. (1991b).
    Computer data analysis: Tinnitus Data Registry. In A Shulman, JM Aran, J Tonndorf, H Feldmann & J Vernon (Eds.), Tinnitus: Diagnosis/Treatment (pp. 416-430). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

  9. Meikle MB & Griest SE. (1992).
    Asymmetry in tinnitus perceptions: Factors that may account for the higher prevalence of left-sided tinnitus. In J-M Aran & R Dauman (Eds.), Tinnitus 91. Proceedings of the Fourth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 231-237). Amsterdam: Kugler.

  10. Meikle M & Walsh ET. (1984).
    Characteristics of tinnitus and related observations in over 1800 tinnitus clinic patients. J Laryngol Otol, Suppl 9, 17-21.

  11. Meikle MB & Whitney SW. (1984).
    Computer-assisted analysis of reported tinnitus sounds. J Laryngol Otol, Suppl 9, 188-192.

  12. Meikle MB, Vernon J & Johnson RM. (1984).
    The perceived severity of tinnitus. Some observations concerning a large population of tinnitus clinic patients. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 92(6), 689-696.

  13. Meikle MB, Schuff N & Griest SE. (1987).
    Intra-subject variability of tinnitus: Observations from the Tinnitus Clinic. In H Feldmann (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 175-180). Karlsruhe, W. Germany: Harsch Verlag.

  14. Meikle MB, Lentz B, Griest SE & Press L. (1988).
    Further exploration of the paradoxical nature of tinnitus loudness. Abstr. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol, 190-191.

  15. Meikle MB, Griest SE, Press LS & Stewart BJ. (1992).
    Relationships between tinnitus and audiometric variables in a large sample of Tinnitus Clinic patients. In J-M Aran & R Dauman (Eds.), Tinnitus 91. Proceedings of the Fourth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 127-134). New York: Kugler.

  16. Meikle MB, Griest SE & Press LS. (1994).
    Epidemiological information concerning the time course and "natural history" of tinnitus. Abstr Assoc Res Otolaryngol, 31.

  17. Meikle MB, Creedon TA, Charnell MG & Lilly JE. (1995).
    Tinnitus information for the 21st Century: Statistics via the Internet. In G Reich (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 275-283). Portland, OR: Amer Tinnitus Assoc.

  18. Meikle MB, Griest SE, Stewart BJ & Press LS. (1995).
    Measuring the negative impact of tinnitus: A brief severity index. Abstr. Assoc. Research Otolaryngol, 167.

  19. Meikle MB, Henry JA & Mitchell C. (1995).
    Methods for matching the loudness of tinnitus using external tones. In G Reich (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 178-179). Portland, OR: Amer Tinnitus Assoc.

  20. Meikle MB, Johnson RM, Griest SE, Press LS & Charnell MG. (1995).
    Oregon Tinnitus Data Archive 95-01. Oregon Health & Science University. <http://www.ohsu.edu/ohrc-otda/>

  21. Meikle MB, Creedon TA & Griest SE. (2003).
    Tinnitus Archive. <http://www.tinnitusArchive.org/>

  22. Meikle MB. (1991).
    Tinnitus onset, relation to hearing impairment, and the issue of severity. In ??? (Ed.), Tinnitus Assessment and Rehabilitation (pp. 1-9): Australian Assoc. Audiologists in Private Practice.

  23. Meikle MB. (1992).
    Methods for evaluation of tinnitus relief procedures. In JM Aran (Ed.), Tinnitus 91. Proceedings Fourth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 555-562). Amsterdam: Kugler.

  24. Meikle MB. (1994).
    The interaction of central and peripheral mechanisms in tinnitus. In J Vernon & A Moller (Eds.), Mechanisms of Tinnitus . Boston: Allen & Bacon.

  25. Mitchell C, Wilson FW & Vernon JA. (1993).
    Possible correlation between fluctuations in tinnitus and blood pressure. The Hearing Journal, 46, 27-30.

  26. Schleuning A. (1989).
    Medical aspects of tinnitus. The Hearing Journal, 42(11), 12-15.

  27. Vernon JA & Fenwick J. (1984).
    Identification of tinnitus: a plea for standardization. J Laryngol Otol, Suppl 9, 45-54.

  28. Vernon JA & Meikle MB. (1981).
    Tinnitus Masking: Unresolved Problems. In D Evered & G Lawrenson (Eds.), Tinnitus. CIBA Foundation Symposium 85 (pp. 239-262). London: Pitman.

  29. Vernon JA & Meikle MB. (1988).
    Measurement of tinnitus: An update. In M Kitahara (Ed.), Tinnitus: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment (pp. 36-52). Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin.

  30. Vernon JA & Press LS. (1994).
    Characteristics of tinnitus induced by head injury. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 120(5), 547-551.

  31. Vernon JA, Griest S & Press L. (1990).
    Attributes of tinnitus and the acceptance of masking. Am J Otolaryngol, 11(1), 44-50.

  32. Vernon JA, Griest SE & Press L. (1991).
    Some common errors in the use of masking for the relief of tinnitus. In A Shulman, JM Aran, J Tonndorf, H Feldmann & J Vernon (Eds.), Tinnitus: Diagnosis/Treatment . Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

  33. Vernon JA, Press LS, Griest SE & Storter KV. (1991).
    Acoustic stimulation and tinnitus. In JM Aran (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth Internatinal Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 363-369). New York: Kugler.

  34. Vernon JA, Griest S & Press L. (1992).
    Attributes of tinnitus associated with the temporomandibular joint syndrome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 249(2), 93-94.

  35. Vernon JA. (1987).
    Assessment of the tinnitus patient. In JWP Hazell (Ed.), Tinnitus (pp. 71-95). London: Churchill Livingstone.

  36. Vernon JA. (1992).
    Tinnitus: Causes, evaluation, and treatment. In GM English (Ed.), Otolaryngology (Revised ed., ). Philadelphia: J B Lippincott.